Owens Responsible for WWE’s New Mask Mandate

After a short break from WWE, Kevin Owens returned to in ring action last week. According to various online sources, Owens approached Vince McMahon with his concerns about staff and talent not wearing masks or social distancing.
In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, Kevin says that WWE’s mask mandate and fining system came from him. He said “a fine system was implemented to make sure people took it seriously. That came from me.”
Owens has been a vocal supporter of social distancing, masks and other important health protocols, speaking out regularly about it on his social media accounts. This is especially understandable as he revealed the news that his wife’s grandfather passed away due to the coronavirus a few months ago.
According to sources, there was some confusion within the company about its fining system but has been since made clear: If you’re backstage and not on camera then your face must be covered.
Since the pandemic started, all WWE action has taken place at the company’s Performance Center in Florida without audiences. Reports of several COVID positive staff and talent have surfaced in the past few months, the most recent being Renee Young.